Our smart broker service eugen! offers the perfect solution – contact us, we look forward to talking to you!


This depends on which of our service packages you choose. The initial consultation is free of charge in any case.

The initial consultation with us at OTTO Immobilien is, of course, free of charge. We look forward to hearing from you!

As of July 1, 2023, no brokerage fee may be charged to tenants for rental apartments (§17a, Brokerage of Residential Lease Agreements). Generally, the property owner is responsible for the professional rental of a residential property. Exception: If the tenant approached the broker and agreed on a brokerage fee with them. In short, the broker receives the agreed fee from the party who engaged their services.


Are you tired of removing bags of advertising flyers from your apartment door every day and would you like to stop receiving personally addressed advertising, especially during election years? Here’s how you can address this:

Door Sticker “Flyer Refuser”: Send a sufficiently stamped return envelope with your name and residential address to:
“Die Werbemittelverteiler”
Postfach 500
5760 Saalfelden am Steinernen Meer
Keyword: “Bitte keine unadressierte Werbung”

You can request a maximum of 2 stickers per return envelope. Please include a note requesting “2 stickers” in the return envelope. The stickers will be sent within two to three weeks.

The stickers should be affixed visibly to the apartment entrance door (not the main door!)—the advertising distributors (Post, Feibra, etc.) must comply with your request!

No Personally Addressed Advertising by Postal Mail: To achieve this, you need to register with the so-called Robinson List. You can find the corresponding application here:

Application (German)

The professional association forwards your data to the Austrian address publishers and direct marketing companies. Your address will be removed from their databases. The Robinson List is updated once a month, so processing your request may take a few weeks.

The electronic Robinson List, known as the ECG List, includes individuals and companies that do not wish to receive advertising emails. Registration is free of charge. Send an email with the email address you wish to register as the sender to eintragen@ecg.rtr.at with the subject “Eintragen RTR-ECG List.” You will soon receive an email requesting confirmation. By replying to this email, your email address will be registered, and you will no longer receive advertising emails.

For fire safety and insurance reasons, any storage in the common areas of the property is prohibited. Common areas include stairwells, cellar corridors, and attics. All escape routes (corridors, staircases, and exits to the outside) must be kept clear of any items that could obstruct the unhindered exit from the building.

House Rules

To avoid losing insurance coverage for water damage, it is generally necessary to secure the water system and turn off the main water valve after 72 hours of continuous vacancy in a rental unit. If this is not done, the insurance may argue for partial or complete denial of coverage, which could lead to significant costs for you. Therefore, please ensure that in vacant properties, the main water valve (depending on technical equipment) is closed and the system is drained. Regular checks should also be conducted in vacant premises to detect any potential damage early and prevent larger issues. This way, unpleasant surprises in vacant properties can be avoided with minimal effort!

House Rules

To make your move as easy as possible, the re-registration for electricity, gas, and district heating supply is handled by the property management through the local utility company. Please note that you do not need to contact or schedule an appointment with the utility company!

Procedure: The meter readings at the time of the property handover/return will be taken in your presence and communicated to the utility company or the relevant billing firm. The necessary contract documents will be sent directly to you by the utility companies. If you decide to change the utility company during the tenancy, please consider any minimum commitments and notice periods.

App Download (available in german) To the form
Legal Information

Anyone residing in an apartment in Austria is REQUIRED to register with the relevant registration authority. The main tenant can confirm the residence registration with the property management by submitting a completed registration form. The main tenant is not only responsible for all roommates but also serves as the host in terms of the Registration Act.

To the Registration Form (German) More Information (German)

Renovation work and significant alterations to the rented apartment must be reported to the landlord in writing. This should be documented as precisely as possible with plans and cost estimates. If the landlord does not respond within two months, this is considered tacit approval according to the Tenancy Act (MRG). Any deviations from the original plan must be approved again.

Please contact the property management for further procedures regarding return, transfers, etc.

Transfer During Lifetime: A transfer of rental rights is only possible in old buildings (constructed before 1945) and in subsidized housing. The rental agreement can be transferred to direct relatives (parents, grandparents, children, grandchildren, etc.), spouses, and siblings of the main tenant. A requirement is that there has been joint residence in the apartment for the last two years (five years for siblings) and that the previous main tenant moves out. A proper shared household is required; merely registering as roommates under the registration law is not sufficient. If the conditions are met and the main tenant moves out, the landlord/property management must be notified immediately via registered letter about the transfer. No new rental agreement will be concluded; the old contract remains in effect as it is, and the name will not be changed. A written notification of the transfer is sufficient.

Is Transfer Between Life Partners Possible? Rental rights can only be transferred to life partners in the event of death. If life partners jointly sign the rental agreement, it is important to note that both the landlord and the co-tenant must agree if one partner wishes to terminate the rental agreement.

In the Event of Death: The circle of eligible individuals in the event of the main tenant’s death is larger than for transfer during lifetime, and the eligibility applies to all rental agreements, regardless of the building’s age. The aim of this provision is to protect close relatives living in a shared household from homelessness. The requirements include an actual shared household in the rented apartment and an urgent need for housing. Merely registering with the authorities is not enough to prove a shared household. Co-habitation at the time of death is necessary, and there must also be an urgent need for housing. The incoming person must not have any other (equivalent) housing options available. Eligible individuals include the spouse, direct relatives (parents, grandparents, children, grandchildren, etc.), siblings, and also the life partner. The transfer occurs automatically upon the main tenant’s death but should be communicated in writing for documentation purposes.

Important: No new rental agreement will be concluded; the old contract remains in effect as it is, and the name will not be changed.

Please note that the rented property must be returned to the landlord or property management in the condition agreed upon in the rental contract. To avoid misunderstandings, please read the provided termination confirmation carefully—if there are any uncertainties, please contact us in a timely manner.

Please arrange the return date with our office in advance under Contact—we will do our best to accommodate your preferred date. The obligation to return the property applies to all main tenants personally or to authorized representatives of a company. Alternatively, a handwritten power of attorney can be submitted.

If the rental property is not returned to the landlord or property management in a timely or proper manner, a reasonable usage fee will apply for the additional period. The settlement of any security deposit along with interest will take into account the landlord’s legitimate claims and will be transferred to an account you specify after reviewing any potential claims. Cash deposits will only be refunded via bank transfer!

The termination of a tenancy agreement must be made in writing and delivered to the landlord or the authorized property management. The termination letter must be signed by all main tenants, or in the case of companies, must be signed in accordance with company regulations—termination via conventional email is not sufficient. The termination dates and notice periods stipulated in the rental agreement must be observed and take precedence over legal regulations. If your contract does not contain any provisions regarding the duration, the periods according to § 560 of the Austrian Code of Civil Procedure (ZPO) apply—further information can be found here:

More Information (In German)

For Tenancies with a Fixed Term, Legal Regulations Are Mandatory. Please note that the written termination must be received by the landlord or property management before the termination date (last day of the month), regardless of weekends and public holidays. Otherwise, the termination will only become effective on the following termination date. Please include a valid phone number and an email address on your termination notice. We will confirm the receipt of your termination once it arrives and provide you with further important information regarding the return of the rental unit.

For completeness, we would like to point out that the landlord or an appointed representative (agent, property manager) has the right to show the rental unit to prospective tenants after prior appointment. We thank you in advance for your cooperation!

Repairs & Maintenance

Once a year, the chimney sweep responsible for the building must check the safety of all flues and associated heating appliances, regardless of what is connected to them (e.g., oil stoves, heating boilers, gas convectors, etc.).

There is a so-called main cleaning appointment (HK), which is typically posted in the building on a yellow notice on the bulletin board or in the flue cleaning box on the ground floor.

During this cleaning appointment, the cleaning and access openings (chimney doors, etc.) must be kept easily accessible! Your presence is absolutely necessary!

House Rules

A fundamental principle of ventilation is that it should be done depending on temperature and humidity levels. Different guidelines apply for winter and summer. In winter, care should be taken when ventilating living spaces to avoid mold formation! If possible, avoid significant drops in room temperature during nighttime hours! Excess moisture in the room can condense on cool exterior walls (for example, in window niches or behind curtains and furniture), creating a breeding ground for mold.

THEREFORE: Open all windows for 3 to 5 minutes. This allows for an exchange of nearly all the air in the room without cooling down the walls. With plastic windows, you can easily observe that after about 3 to 5 minutes, the panes will become clear again.

In summer, ventilating the apartment is generally not a problem, as warm air flows through both tilted and fully opened windows. Note: Do not place furniture directly against an uninsulated, cold exterior wall and maintain a distance of at least 10 cm if possible.

Due to legal regulations regarding air quality, the checking of heating appliances for their emission values must also be conducted. The property management recommends having this inspection carried out by the chimney sweep. This inspection is chargeable and is the responsibility of the apartment user. Heating appliances with a rated thermal output of 15 to 26 kW are tested every five years (these are the typical rated thermal outputs for boilers, gas convectors, etc., in apartments).

House Rules

We recommend servicing at least once a year.

As a tenant, you are responsible for maintaining the interior of the apartment. The landlord is only obligated to make repairs if there is a serious damage or a significant health hazard (e.g., a water pipe break, mold on the walls, or leaking pipes). The landlord is generally responsible for the boiler. However, the tenant must have the boiler serviced regularly (once a year). The tenant is responsible for the costs of maintenance. If mold is caused by the tenant (e.g., due to insufficient ventilation), the landlord can demand the costs of remediation from the tenant. Usually, an expert determines who caused the mold.


Ensure there is light. Get a flashlight, light candles, or activate the flashlight feature on your smartphone to help you orient yourself in your home or wherever you are, minimizing the risk of injury. If only your apartment is dark, check the fuse box and inspect the fuses. If a fuse has tripped, try to reset it. If it cannot be reactivated, turn off all electronic devices. Gradually check which device caused the power outage in your home. Be sure to contact an electrician to inspect your electrical devices and wiring. It may also be necessary to replace the fuses.

The main tenant is not only entitled to use the rented property, but also has certain obligations according to § 8 (1) of the Tenancy Act (MRG). § 8 (1) MRG states: The tenant is required to maintain the rented property and the facilities designated for it, including electrical, gas, water, heating (including central heating systems), and sanitary installations, in such a way that no disadvantage arises for the landlord or the other tenants of the building, unless it concerns the rectification of serious damage to the property. This means in detail that the following tasks are the sole responsibility of the tenant:

  • Descaling of fittings
  • Maintenance of gas boilers, heaters, and gas convectors
  • Venting of floor central heating systems
  • Venting of radiators
  • Descaling and cleaning of toilet flush tanks, toilets, bathtubs, shower trays, and sinks
  • Cleaning of siphons
  • Regular (usually once a year) maintenance treatment of parquet flooring according to relevant care instructions
  • Maintenance/renewal of silicone joints in the bathtub, sink, and shower tray areas
  • Regular activation/function checks of the residual current device (FI switch)
  • Lubrication/maintenance of door and window hinges
  • Regular operation of radiator thermostats during the summer months
  • Replacement of seals on fittings, corner valves, etc.

This list is exemplary and does not claim to be exhaustive, especially as many aspects depend on the specific condition of the apartment. It should be noted that neglecting such minor maintenance tasks can quickly lead to serious damage to the property, and failure to report this promptly may establish liability for damages on the part of the tenant.

We assume that you are fulfilling the usual maintenance and care responsibilities. Please download the app and report the defect there. Alternatively, you can contact us on weekdays at: +43 1 512 7777 – 0. For urgent defects outside of our office hours, our 24-hour emergency hotline is available at: +43 1 512 77 77 – 512.

App Download

If you are unable to download the app, please fill out the following form.


A defect requires the immediate intervention of a tradesperson. Defects include water pipe breaks, meaning flowing or dripping water, blockages that you cannot fix yourself, or a smell of gas. A damage incident, on the other hand, refers to issues such as a front door that won’t close, a malfunction in the intercom system, or a broken glass pane in a hallway window.

We assume that you are fulfilling the usual maintenance and care responsibilities. Please download the app and report the damage there. Alternatively, you can contact us on weekdays at: +43 1 512 7777 – 0. For urgent issues outside of our office hours, our 24-hour emergency hotline is available at: +43 1 512 77 77 – 512

App Download

If you are unable to download the app, please fill out the following form.


You can find the SEPA Direct Debit Mandate form on our website, where you can provide us with your new bank details and specify when the change should take effect.

App Download Change per E-Mail

The operating cost settlement and any potential payment of a credit balance are due on the 15th of the month following the next interest period. Therefore, if you receive your settlement in April, the credit will be due on June 15th.

The operating cost settlement is sent in the first half of each year and relates to the already completed year. This can be done through a house notice or by sending an individual statement. The person who is a tenant of an apartment at the time the payment of the additional charge or the credit (i.e., on the 15th of the second interest period after the settlement is issued) is responsible for making the additional payment or receiving the credit, even if they did not live in the apartment for the entire settlement year.

In general, operating costs are those expenses that arise from the ongoing operation of a property. This includes public charges as well. Operating costs include, among others, insurance costs, cleaning, snow removal, water and sewage fees, waste disposal fees, chimney sweeping fees, pest control and junk removal costs, as well as management fees. Expenses for various facilities in the building, such as an elevator, are also charged as elevator operating costs.

SEPA Direct Debit Mandate
The charge will be collected by the property management at the beginning of the month. You can request the necessary form from us at any time.

Standing Order
A standing order is set up by you with your bank, and the desired fixed amount is debited from your account each month. Please note that the standing order must be adjusted if there are changes to the charge, as otherwise, payment discrepancies may occur!

You can find the SEPA Direct Debit Mandate form on our website, where you can provide us with your new bank details and specify when the change should take effect.

Condominium Ownership

According to § 31 of the Condominium Ownership Act (WEG), (1) the homeowners are required to establish an adequate reserve fund to cover future expenses (§ 32). When determining the contributions for the reserve fund, consideration must be given to the anticipated development of expenses. In every condominium, it is legally mandatory to create a reserve fund for future expenses. The amount of regular payments from the co-owners is based on the expected development of expenses and is generally set by the property manager as part of ordinary administration. However, the majority of homeowners can issue instructions to the property manager regarding this matter through a formal resolution.

The charge for management costs consists of the repair fund, operating costs, and value-added tax (VAT). Depending on the building’s features, additional charges for heating, elevators, etc., may also apply.

According to § 25 (1) of the Condominium Ownership Act (WEG 2002), homeowner meetings are held every 2 years. Individual agreements can be made if necessary.

Viennese Zinshaus as Investment

It’s best to invest your money safely. Real estate is, of course, an excellent option again. For example, retirement properties, or an apartment or house for personal use. Alternatively, you could consider a new Viennese Zinshaus, where no repairs and investments will be necessary in the long term. There are also a variety of alternative investments that can help you sleep soundly, such as bonds and conservatively managed equity funds.

Exchanging one Zinshaus for another—does that really make sense? Yes! Especially if the new Viennese Zinshaus property is a modern or even contemporary building. This ensures that no investments will be required for an extended period. Additionally, you benefit from higher rental rates and sometimes even a new tenant demographic.

Valuation of Viennese Zinshaus Property

Not only the structural condition and current rental situation are crucial for pricing, but also the development potential of the property. For example, if more living space can be created through demolition and new construction, this can positively impact the price. In terms of the average selling price per square meter, there can even be significant upward price developments.

Valuing a Viennese Zinshaus property is extremely complex. Many factors influence the price, such as location, the current rental situation, future development potential, and much more. A wealth of experience and expertise is required to determine the exact value of your Viennese Zinshaus property. Our experts have been conducting market analyses for decades and calculate the precise value of your property with great knowledge and even greater responsibility.


Our experts focus on the swift disposal of your Viennese Zinshaus property. With extensive knowledge and experience, they search for and find the right buyer for your property. However, the sale not only requires professional marketing knowledge. Legal or technical questions can also arise, and these are often very specific and complex. In such cases, our Viennese Zinshaus property experts collaborate with selected specialists, such as lawyers, architects, or recognized professionals from the construction industry.

A Viennese Zinshaus property agent analyzes the provided documents, knows the market inside out, and typically makes a fair price assessment. They guide the client from the creation of the offer to the sale. Most importantly, a good Viennese Zinshaus property agent knows buyers for your property. Over decades, we have built a database and network that enables us to quickly find a buyer for your Viennese Zinshaus property and achieve the best price.

A considerable amount of documentation is required for the sale of a Viennese Zinshaus property. This includes property plans, building permits, rental lists, lease agreements, development plans, and any existing studies, among others. We can organize and compile all of these documents for you. All we need from you is a power of attorney.

Experienced agents assist you in comparing the individual offers. We discuss the pros and cons of each offer with you and explain all the details.

An exclusive brokerage agreement offers many advantages. Unlike a simple agreement, an agent with an exclusive brokerage contract is obligated to actively work for you immediately and keep you informed of every step they take: You will receive monthly activity reports detailing all marketing efforts. Additionally, hiring multiple agents carries a high commission risk, which is eliminated with an exclusive brokerage agreement.

Yes. According to the law and the real estate agent regulation § 15 from May 7, 2018, a provision of 3% of the achieved sale price is applicable. These costs should certainly pay off. They do: Those who hire an agent like us can be assured of receiving a very good price for their Viennese Zinshaus property, and that the sale will be processed quickly and without worry.

Buyers of Viennese Zinshaus properties are professionals. If you want to sell your property, you need a professional by your side as well—preferably an expert who represents your interests against these professional buyers. A broker brings extensive experience and know-how to the table. But that’s not all: a broker is committed to you and your wishes. They ensure that you don’t have to worry during the entire sales process (and even afterward).

Viennese Zinshaus Property Sale

To prevent disputes, the first question to clarify is: What is the value of the Zinshaus property? We conduct a professional valuation of your property with our experts to determine the exact value. Equally important is that all parties involved are kept informed throughout the sales process. We guarantee this necessary transparency. Additionally, we can assist you, if desired, in the division process with expert mediation.

A Viennese Zinshaus property is often not owned by just one person. Sometimes there are multiple owners (e.g., heirs). A transparent process ensures that all sellers are informed about the current sales process. Moreover, these procedures serve as proof to the authorities in matters of estates (or guardianships) that the maximum possible sale price has indeed been achieved.

For the sale of your Viennese Zinshaus property, we offer you three options: the traditional sale, the bidding process, or the investment property auction. Which option is best for you depends on the sales situation and your individual circumstances. Our experts will work with you to develop a sales method that is optimally tailored to your needs.

In recent times, property prices have only moved in one direction: upwards. Such price increases are not expected in the near future. The yields for buyers are already at a very low level, which is slowing down buyer interest somewhat. Therefore, the best time to sell a Viennese Zinshaus property is now.

With a transaction handled by an experienced Viennese Zinshaus property agent, a lawyer, and a notary, any claims for additional payments can usually be completely excluded.

When selling a Viennese Zinshaus property, the property gains tax (ImmoESt.) becomes due. We are happy to advise you on the tax details.

Yes, absolutely. The decision is entirely up to you. However, we are happy to assist you by presenting all offers and discussing all the details with you in depth. Throughout the sales process, we will keep you continuously updated and provide you with reports whenever you request them.

Not long. On average, it takes only six months. One to two months are needed for marketing your Viennese Zinshaus property, another one to two months for negotiating and finalizing the purchase contract. The remaining time is required for clearing encumbrances and registration in the land register. In some cases, it can even be quicker.

A Viennese Zinshaus not only represents significant value but also comes with many obligations: high maintenance costs, potential liabilities, and low rental income from long-term tenants can make managing a property challenging, making a sale quite sensible. Selling is also a good option if the heirs of a Viennese Zinshaus property have entirely different dreams for their lives, or if no successor can be found, or if the asset “Zinshaus” should be equitably divided among all children. There are many reasons to keep a Viennese Zinshaus property, but there are equally many reasons to sell one. We are here to help you make the right decision.