- approx. 300 sq m Gross leasable area
- Nach Vereinbarung Availability
Vienna, 7. Neubau
Modern office space with rooftop terrace
Andrea Fiedler a.fiedler@otto.at +43 676 684 54 59
- Topmodern eingerichtete Arbeitsplätze (23 im 1. DG, 6-8 im 2. DG)
- Komplette Netzwerkverkabelung inkl. Netzwerk-Verbindung in den Keller für zusätzliche, sichere Datenspeicherung
- Komplettes Funk-Bussystem (Fa. Fibaro) für alle Beleuchtungen, Klima, Verschattung, etc…
- Alarmanlage (auch ins Bussystem eingebunden)
- Sonos-System in allen Räumen
- Luft-Wärme-Pumpe mit Fußbodenkühlung
- Komplette Klimatisierung mit Daikin-Designgeräten
- Komplette Außenverschattung mit Markisen und Raffstore
- Zusätzliche Innenverschattung bei Arbeitsplätzen im 1. DG
- Hochwertige Küche mit Siemens-Geräten (2x Backrohre inkl. Dampfgarer, 2x Kühlschrank)
- Architektonisch aufwendige Lichtsysteme (alle dimmbar)
- 3 gestylte WC-Anlagen
- Zugangssystem mit Fingerprint und Motorschloss (Fernüberwachung möglich)
- Alle Boden-und Wandbeläge in hoher Qualität
- Akustik-Lochdecke im 1. DG
- Über 3m-Raumhöhe im 2. DG
- Aufwändige Alucubond-Fassade mit integrierten Beleuchtungselementen (auch digitale LED-Bänder)
Das Büro liegt am westlichen Rand des 7. Wiener Gemeindebezirks Neubau, direkt am Gürtel. Der 7. Wiener Gemeindebezirk strahlt seit Jahren seinen Flair weit über Wiens Grenzen hinaus aus. An der Grenze zum 6. Bezirk verläuft von Ost nach West die Mariahillferstraße, die nach der Umgestaltung zur Fußgängerzone in ihrer Qualität als Stadtraum noch weiter aufgewertet wurde. Von der Mariahilferstraße Richtung Norden sind zahlreiche Cafés, Restaurants, Kultureinrichtungen, Museen, Theater angesiedelt. Auch in den weiter nördlich verlaufenden Straßen wie Burggasse, Neustiftgasse und Lerchenfelderstraße an der Grenze zum 8. Bezirk eröffnen neue Lokale und Geschäfte.
Details & Downloads
- Property-ID IVG-O-12230
- GLA approx. 300 sq m
- Ready-to-use Nach Vereinbarung
- Price € 8,409 /sq m net
- Commission 3% des Kaufpreises zzgl. 20% USt.
- EPC in progress
- fGEE in progress
Vienna, 7. Neubau
€ 8,409 /sq m
Andrea Fiedler a.fiedler@otto.at +43 676 684 54 59
Property-ID IVG-O-12230
for your Request!
will get in touch with you shortly.
Thank you for your request! We will get back to you shortly. We look forward to assisting you in finding your ideal property. In the meantime, explore more attractive properties from our portfolio. Get inspired and find your favorites.

Vienna, 7. Neubau
Schönes Jugendstilhaus
- approx. 240 sq m gross leasable area
- Available By arrangement
€ 16.50 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 7. Neubau
Light-flooded office in old building near Mariahilfer Straße
- approx. 157 sq m gross leasable area
- Available By arrangement
€ 18.10 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 7. Neubau
Light-flooded office in old building near Mariahilfer Straße
- approx. 182 sq m gross leasable area
- Available By arrangement
€ 18.38 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 7. Neubau
Light-flooded office in old building near Mariahilfer Straße
- approx. 339 sq m gross leasable area
- Available By arrangement
€ 6,184.45 /month net

Vienna, 7. Neubau
Office building Mariahilfer Straße
- approx. 225 sq m gross leasable area
- Available By arrangement
€ 17.00 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 6. Mariahilf
Office building on Mariahilfer Straße
- approx. 69 sq m gross leasable area
- Available By arrangement
€ 15.50 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 6. Mariahilf
Modern office space with elevator and underground parking on Mariahilfer Straße
- approx. 145 sq m gross leasable area
- Available By arrangement
€ 17.50 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 6. Mariahilf
Modern office space with elevator and underground parking on Mariahilfer Straße
- approx. 153 sq m gross leasable area
- Available By arrangement
€ 16.50 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 6. Mariahilf
Modern office space with elevator and underground parking on Mariahilfer Straße
- approx. 68 sq m gross leasable area
- Available By arrangement
€ 17.50 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 6. Mariahilf
Office building on Mariahilfer Straße
- approx. 170 sq m gross leasable area
- Available By arrangement
€ 15.50 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 6. Mariahilf
Modern office space with elevator and underground parking on Mariahilfer Straße
- approx. 66 sq m gross leasable area
- Available By arrangement
€ 16.50 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 6. Mariahilf
Modern office space with elevator and underground parking on Mariahilfer Straße
- approx. 333 sq m gross leasable area
- Available By arrangement
€ 15.25 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 7. Neubau
Stylish studio near Mariahilfer Straße
- approx. 111 sq m gross leasable area
- Available By arrangement
€ 20.00 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 7. Neubau
Charming old building office in Zollergasse
- approx. 71 sq m gross leasable area
- Available By arrangement
€ 1,282.68 /month net

Vienna, 6. Mariahilf
- approx. 1,443 sq m gross leasable area
- Available
from € 15.50 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 6. Mariahilf
Office space in an old building in a prime location
- approx. 348 sq m gross leasable area
- Available By arrangement
from € 12.50 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 6. Mariahilf
Office space in an old building in a prime location
- approx. 405 sq m gross leasable area
- Available By arrangement
from € 12.50 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 6. Mariahilf
Office space in an old building in a prime location
- approx. 452 sq m gross leasable area
- Available By arrangement
from € 12.50 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 6. Mariahilf
Office space in an old building in a prime location
- approx. 515 sq m gross leasable area
- Available By arrangement
from € 12.50 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 6. Mariahilf
Office space in an old building in a prime location
- approx. 540 sq m gross leasable area
- Available By arrangement
from € 12.50 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 7. Neubau
Schönes Jugendstilhaus
- approx. 240 sq m gross leasable area
- Available By arrangement
€ 16.50 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 7. Neubau
Light-flooded office in old building near Mariahilfer Straße
- approx. 157 sq m gross leasable area
- Available By arrangement
€ 18.10 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 7. Neubau
Light-flooded office in old building near Mariahilfer Straße
- approx. 182 sq m gross leasable area
- Available By arrangement
€ 18.38 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 7. Neubau
Light-flooded office in old building near Mariahilfer Straße
- approx. 339 sq m gross leasable area
- Available By arrangement
€ 6,184.45 /month net

Vienna, 7. Neubau
Office building Mariahilfer Straße
- approx. 225 sq m gross leasable area
- Available By arrangement
€ 17.00 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 6. Mariahilf
Office building on Mariahilfer Straße
- approx. 69 sq m gross leasable area
- Available By arrangement
€ 15.50 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 6. Mariahilf
Modern office space with elevator and underground parking on Mariahilfer Straße
- approx. 145 sq m gross leasable area
- Available By arrangement
€ 17.50 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 6. Mariahilf
Modern office space with elevator and underground parking on Mariahilfer Straße
- approx. 153 sq m gross leasable area
- Available By arrangement
€ 16.50 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 6. Mariahilf
Modern office space with elevator and underground parking on Mariahilfer Straße
- approx. 68 sq m gross leasable area
- Available By arrangement
€ 17.50 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 6. Mariahilf
Office building on Mariahilfer Straße
- approx. 170 sq m gross leasable area
- Available By arrangement
€ 15.50 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 6. Mariahilf
Modern office space with elevator and underground parking on Mariahilfer Straße
- approx. 66 sq m gross leasable area
- Available By arrangement
€ 16.50 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 6. Mariahilf
Modern office space with elevator and underground parking on Mariahilfer Straße
- approx. 333 sq m gross leasable area
- Available By arrangement
€ 15.25 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 7. Neubau
Stylish studio near Mariahilfer Straße
- approx. 111 sq m gross leasable area
- Available By arrangement
€ 20.00 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 7. Neubau
Charming old building office in Zollergasse
- approx. 71 sq m gross leasable area
- Available By arrangement
€ 1,282.68 /month net

Vienna, 6. Mariahilf
- approx. 1,443 sq m gross leasable area
- Available
from € 15.50 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 6. Mariahilf
Office space in an old building in a prime location
- approx. 348 sq m gross leasable area
- Available By arrangement
from € 12.50 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 6. Mariahilf
Office space in an old building in a prime location
- approx. 405 sq m gross leasable area
- Available By arrangement
from € 12.50 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 6. Mariahilf
Office space in an old building in a prime location
- approx. 452 sq m gross leasable area
- Available By arrangement
from € 12.50 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 6. Mariahilf
Office space in an old building in a prime location
- approx. 515 sq m gross leasable area
- Available By arrangement
from € 12.50 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 6. Mariahilf
Office space in an old building in a prime location
- approx. 540 sq m gross leasable area
- Available By arrangement
from € 12.50 /sq m/month net