- approx. 135 sq m Gross leasable area
- By arrangement Availability
Vienna, 2. Leopoldstadt
Modern office space near Austria Campus
Helmut Wanjek h.wanjek@otto.at +43 664 854 91 93
- Raumhöhe 2,80 m
- Doppelboden
- IT-Verkabelung
- Bodendosen
- Gekühlt mittels Fan-Coils
- Teeküche
- Sonnenschutz
- Beleuchtungskörper
- Barrierefrei
- Hauseigene Tiefgarage
Der Standort Lassallestraße bietet durch die unmittelbare Nähe zum Verkehrsknotenpunkt Praterstern sowie zur Station Vorgartenstraße eine optimale Anbindung an das öffentliche Verkehrsnetz sowie an die Wiener Innenstadt.
Ebenso verbindet ein Radweg den Standort sowohl mit den inneren Bezirken, als auch Wiens größtes Erholungsgebiet, der Donauinsel. Nahe gelegene Supermärkte und gastronomische Betriebe bieten eine hervorragende Infrastruktur
Öffentliche Verkehrsanbindung:
- U Bahn: U1 Station Praterstern
- Bus: 11A, 80A, 82A Station Praterstern
- Straßenbahn: N, 0, 5, 21 Station Praterstern
- S-Bahn: diverse Linien Station Praterstern
Details & Downloads
- Property-ID IVG-O-03185/1-0S
- GLA approx. 135 sq m
- Ready-to-use By arrangement
- Net rent price per month € 14.50 /sq m
- net operating costs € 4.30 /sq m/month
- Deposit
- Commission 3 BMM zzgl. 20% USt.
- EPC 31.7 kWh/sq m
- Energy demand class B
- fGEE 0.77
- Year of construction 2013
- Heating District heating
Vienna, 2. Leopoldstadt
€ 14.50 /sq m
Net rent/month excl. operating costs
Helmut Wanjek h.wanjek@otto.at +43 664 854 91 93
Property-ID IVG-O-03185/1-0S
for your Request!
will get in touch with you shortly.
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Vienna, 2. Leopoldstadt
Quartier Lassalle
- approx. 755 sq m gross leasable area
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Vienna, 2. Leopoldstadt
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€ 16.90 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 2. Leopoldstadt
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€ 16.90 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 2. Leopoldstadt
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- New
Vienna, 2. Leopoldstadt
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Vienna, 2. Leopoldstadt
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- Available By arrangement
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Vienna, 2. Leopoldstadt
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- Available By arrangement
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Vienna, 2. Leopoldstadt
Modern office space near Austria Campus
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- Available By arrangement
€ 15.00 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 2. Leopoldstadt
Modern office space near Austria Campus
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- Available By arrangement
€ 16.50 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 2. Leopoldstadt
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- Available By arrangement
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Vienna, 2. Leopoldstadt
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- Available
€ 15.50 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 2. Leopoldstadt
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- Available Nach Vereinbarung
€ 16.90 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 2. Leopoldstadt
- approx. 346 sq m gross leasable area
- Available Nach Vereinbarung
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Vienna, 2. Leopoldstadt
- approx. 1,939 sq m gross leasable area
- Available nach Vereinbarung
€ 16.90 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 2. Leopoldstadt
Vienna Works
- approx. 925 sq m gross leasable area
- Available Nach Vereinbarung
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Vienna, 2. Leopoldstadt
Vienna Works
- approx. 597 sq m gross leasable area
- Available Nach Vereinbarung
€ 16.90 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 2. Leopoldstadt
Vienna Works
- approx. 1,387 sq m gross leasable area
- Available Nach Vereinbarung
€ 16.80 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 2. Leopoldstadt
Vienna Works
- approx. 689 sq m gross leasable area
- Available Nach Vereinbarung
€ 17.50 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 2. Leopoldstadt
Vienna Works
- approx. 596 sq m gross leasable area
- Available Nach Vereinbarung
€ 16.80 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 2. Leopoldstadt
Vienna Works
- approx. 7,339 sq m gross leasable area
- Available Nach Vereinbarung
€ 125,466.00 /month net

Vienna, 2. Leopoldstadt
Quartier Lassalle
- approx. 755 sq m gross leasable area
- Available 01.12.2022
€ 16.90 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 2. Leopoldstadt
Quartier Lassalle
- approx. 1,558 sq m gross leasable area
- Available 01.12.2022
€ 16.90 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 2. Leopoldstadt
Quartier Lassalle
- approx. 803 sq m gross leasable area
- Available 01.12.2022
€ 16.90 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 2. Leopoldstadt
Modern office space near Austria Campus
- approx. 106 sq m gross leasable area
- Available By arrangement
€ 14.50 /sq m/month net

- New
Vienna, 2. Leopoldstadt
Modern office at Greenworx
- approx. 563 sq m gross leasable area
- Available By arrangement
€ 16.05 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 2. Leopoldstadt
Modern office space near Austria Campus
- approx. 470 sq m gross leasable area
- Available By arrangement
€ 15.50 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 2. Leopoldstadt
Modern office space near Austria Campus
- approx. 345 sq m gross leasable area
- Available By arrangement
€ 16.00 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 2. Leopoldstadt
Modern office space near Austria Campus
- approx. 719 sq m gross leasable area
- Available By arrangement
€ 15.00 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 2. Leopoldstadt
Modern office space near Austria Campus
- approx. 723 sq m gross leasable area
- Available By arrangement
€ 16.50 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 2. Leopoldstadt
Modern office at Greenworx
- approx. 563 sq m gross leasable area
- Available By arrangement
€ 14.00 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 2. Leopoldstadt
Moderne Büroflächen im 2nd Central Office!
- approx. 1,686 sq m gross leasable area
- Available
€ 15.50 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 2. Leopoldstadt
- approx. 1,343 sq m gross leasable area
- Available Nach Vereinbarung
€ 16.90 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 2. Leopoldstadt
- approx. 346 sq m gross leasable area
- Available Nach Vereinbarung
€ 8.80 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 2. Leopoldstadt
- approx. 1,939 sq m gross leasable area
- Available nach Vereinbarung
€ 16.90 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 2. Leopoldstadt
Vienna Works
- approx. 925 sq m gross leasable area
- Available Nach Vereinbarung
€ 16.50 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 2. Leopoldstadt
Vienna Works
- approx. 597 sq m gross leasable area
- Available Nach Vereinbarung
€ 16.90 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 2. Leopoldstadt
Vienna Works
- approx. 1,387 sq m gross leasable area
- Available Nach Vereinbarung
€ 16.80 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 2. Leopoldstadt
Vienna Works
- approx. 689 sq m gross leasable area
- Available Nach Vereinbarung
€ 17.50 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 2. Leopoldstadt
Vienna Works
- approx. 596 sq m gross leasable area
- Available Nach Vereinbarung
€ 16.80 /sq m/month net

Vienna, 2. Leopoldstadt
Vienna Works
- approx. 7,339 sq m gross leasable area
- Available Nach Vereinbarung
€ 125,466.00 /month net